Looking to make an impact in and outside AXIS?

Student IMPACT is divided up into several serve teams.  Each team is open to any high school student who applies and each team uses different gifts and has different responsibilities.  Feel free to join any number of them below.
AXIS AMBASSADORS: Engage with new people and help them feel welcomed by eating and siting with them
THE HUB TEAM: Help sell food at our concession stand The Hub & help greet
PRAYER TEAM: Pray for the leaders, meals, and students during our response times at the end of AXIS

PROGRAM TEAM: Be emcees for AXIS, plan and lead special events
WORSHIP TEAM: Sing or play in our student led worship band (practice 4-6pm on Sundays)
TECH TEAM: Run sound, lights, lyrics or camera for AXIS in the sound booth
MEDIA TEAM: Run AXIS' social media, take pictures/video each week
How to Apply for Student IMPACT:
1. Prayerfully consider all the student leadership standards and which team you desire to be on.
2. Talk with your family, small group leader, and evaluate your commitments and priorities.
3. Agree with the impact standards (below)
4. Fill out the online application (with a small group leader support).
5. Meet with Pastor Kyle for final approval.
The Student IMPACT Standards:
Jesus equipped and empowered his disciples to be salt and light to change the world.  Student leaders are examples of the faith and is watched.  Since leaders are watched we have standards in place to promote leadership, teamwork, commitment, and success.  Since student leaders are to be examples in faith, conduct, and purity we ask each student leader to agree to these standards.  Remember we do not expect perfection, but we need to keep in mind when in leadership we will be looked at more closely.
1.  FAITH: I acknowledge the Lordship of Jesus Christ in my life and have a personal relationship with Him.
2.  LEAD: I am committed to set up and take ownership of AXIS and Ridgepoint Church.  I am committed to my Impact teammates and will show up to team meetings, check group texts, and do what is asked of me and more on Student Impact.
3.  COMMUNITY: I am committed to connecting with other students and being an example through my involvement and attendance in AXIS and other events like camp, SDYC, etc.  Because I know I set the tone for what AXIS will be.
4. GROW: I am committed to participate or lead at least one D-group a year as well as a personal quiet time with God.  Because I understand I cannot pour out what is not being poured into me.
5.  SHARE: am committed to living in such a way where my life points people to Jesus. I share Jesus with my friends, classmates, and teammates and invite them to AXIS.  Because I am called to make a difference.
6.  CHARACTER: I am committed to being an example of Christ in my attitude, speech, dating relationships, and social media outlets.  I will reflect Jesus Christ and Ridgepoint Students well in these areas.  I acknowledge leadership causes people to watch me closer and I understand that leaders who do or post inappropriate things will no longer be leaders in our student ministry.
7.  INSPIRE: I am committed to handling conflict in a Godly way and do my best to avoid complaining, gossiping and spreading lies.  If I have an issue with someone I am committed to talking to them directly until the issue is resolved.  I am called to be a source of inspiration and positivity for everyone around me.