Mentoring  FAQs

Q: How will I be matched?
A: A designated team prayerfully reviews your responses, focusing  on your desired structure (connection/coaching/curriculum) and your primary areas of interest (relationships, parenting, prayer, etc.). All mentor/mentee pairs will be the same gender.

Q: When will I be matched?
A: We want to do our best to attempt to make a good match for both the mentor and mentee. This may take some time as we wait for people to join the progra. Regardless, you should hear an update from our team in about two weeks (if not sooner) after submitting your info.

Q: What if I don't like my mentor/mentee?
A: We know God designed each of us to be unique, which means we each get along better with some people more than others. Once you get matched, if you immediately have concerns, reach out to the matching team right away. If you don't have immediate concerns (or maybe you don't know your match at all), we feel that after meeting a few times together, you should have an idea of whether you're comfortable continuing. After these initial few meetings, you can choose to ask for a change or proceed with your assigned match. Please remember, while we want to give your match a fair chance to see if God is using this relationship for good in your life, you should never feel scared, unsafe, or uneasy. Please reach out to the matching team if you have any concerns about your match at any time.

Q: What is the minimum commitment?
A: Each match will figure out details between them, but we encourage these pairs to stay together for at least three months. Most pairs will meet 2-4 times a month. If things are going well for both of you, we encourage these relationships to continue and build for much longer!

Q: What is the level of confidentiality I can expect in this relationship?
A: As you get to know each other better, we hope these relationships provide space for you both to be open, honest, and vulnerable about real challenges, joys, and questions you have. This is not a space for gossip or hearsay. It's important for both the mentor and mentee to earn and maintain each other's trust, and all sensitive issues will be kept confidential. The mentor will not share details of the conversations with the mentor team or with Ridgepoint's pastoral staff. However, there are certain areas or issues that may require additional help or training. We're not expecting our mentors to provide professional therapy, legal, or mental health advice to the mentees. If sensitive issues like these do arise, they will need to be handled on a case-by-case basis. If you have concerns about this, please feel free to discuss with Kyle before signing up.