Hannah Terrell

Kids Ministry Intern

Born and raised in Wichita, Hannah has attended Ridgepoint since the third grade. This will be her first year interning for the Kids Ministry! During her time attending Ridgepoint, Hannah has volunteered in various roles in the Kids Ministry—whether that be leading Sunday schools or helping with VBS.

This past May, she graduated from Oklahoma Wesleyan University with a bachelor’s degree in Secondary Mathematics Education and Letters (a giant nerd degree :D) and will be going back to Oklahoma for a job teaching high school math in the fall. Interning at Ridgepoint will help allow Hannah to enter a space where she can bring together her passion for teaching and her wish to see students grow in their relationship with God!

Fun Fact: Despite being a preschool dropout, Hannah didn’t let that stop her and is now ready to educate the youth… so long as it isn’t about any of the things learned in preschool!