You're invited to celebrate with us!

Good Friday April 18 | Easter Weekend April 19 - 20
(keep scrolling for service times)

Our classic worship services include traditional music led by a choir.
Our contemporary services feature modern music led by a band.
Learn more about  Kids Worship and nursery


Identical services at 5:30 & 7:00 p.m.
Reflective worship as we remember
Jesus' sacrifice for us.

Nursery will be provided for kids 4 and under.
This event is best in-person, so we won't livestream this service.
All ages welcome!

EASTER weekend (APRIL 19 - 20)

Saturday, April 19: 
5:00 p.m. contemporary service

There will be no Kids Worship for this service, but the nursery is open for 4 and under!

Sunday, April 20: 
8:00 a.m. classic service
9:30 & 11:00 a.m. contemporary services
Nursery & Kids Worship at 9:30 & 11:00

Help us spread the word!

Share these graphics on social media and let your friends know you're coming. Or, send a text to a friend.

Suggested text (feel free to make it your own!):

I'm going to Ridgepoint Church for Easter this year. Want to go with me? Here's more info: ridgepointwichita.com/easter.