Cherise Eutsler
Nursery Coordinator
Cherise joined the Ridgepoint staff in early 2018 as the Nursery Coordinator. She graduated from Tabor College (go Bluejays!) with a Bachelor's degree in elementary special education and received her Master's degree in Elementary Subject Matter from Emporia State University. Cherise taught elementary special education in Valley Center for seven years and then accepted a teaching position at Faith Academy. In 2009, Cherise began attending Ridgepoint. She met her husband Archie here, and they have very busy toddlers named Lucas and Caleb. Cherise enjoys reading, traveling, watching Wichita State basketball, and finding a good bargain at garage sales.
Fun facts: Cherise has a twin brother. She loves scuba diving and got the chance to dive with her husband on their honeymoon in Jamaica. Mexican food is her favorite cuisine.
Fun facts: Cherise has a twin brother. She loves scuba diving and got the chance to dive with her husband on their honeymoon in Jamaica. Mexican food is her favorite cuisine.